Yesterday was a well-deserved day of rest and eating.

This morning I wimped out on a run -- it was pitch black and 0 degrees Fahrenheit, qualifying for the
runner's freezing point regardless of distance. So, instead, I rolled over, hit the snooze button (several times) and waited to wake up more naturally. The day ended up being clear and beautiful, and my morning at work ended up was very busy, in a good way. When I got home I took the girls for a wonderful, soul-cleansing walk, enjoyed dinner and bedtime, and now am ready for evening yoga and a repeat attempt at a cold, dark run tomorrow morning. It's amazing what some quality family time will do for me, whether part of a walk, a sublime moment putting the girls to bed, or a smile from the baby.
Yesterday: rest
Today: yoga
Tomorrow: morning run, evening stretch
Next week: lower body and core resistance work, plyometrics, and middle-distance run on the weekend.
don't forget those sublime moments with your wife :)