As far as fitness goes, this was an odd year. My knee has been "acting up" since October 2010 (and was probably injured about a year before that), so my running has been just weird. I had a good training cycle through the fall of 2010 despite the knee, and this paid off big time in February 2011 with a P.R. marathon here in town. Running since then has been spotty, and I am in fact having surgery on my right lateral meniscus in three days. I do think there is a good chance it will help, and look forward the the post-rehab "Don't call it a comeback..." The beauty of an injury, in truth, is that it helps you focus on other things. In no particular order, I have spent a lot of time on yoga, lifting, and road biking. A highlight of the year was traveling to Georgia with my good friend Gary and riding the Three Gap Fifty, the mini-version of the Six Gap Century. Yoga has acted as a semi-spiritual bridge between working out and meditation (a need previously fulfilled by running). Lifting continues to feel good. Currently, I have also sprained my right wrist, so all my activities are limited, but that, too, has its place and time.
Food has been another focus of the year. As with most of us, I have been trying to get ride of that "last" 5 or 10 pounds for quite a while -- don't worry, I don't think I'm fat, but I know my weight and body shape when I've been really fit. After some unsuccessful and perhaps fairly insincere attempts to eat better or less, I finally gave the "Paleo" concept a try, and holy shit, it worked. For six weeks, six days a week, I ate only meat, vegetables, fruit, beans, and nuts/seeds. Beer was allowed. The seventh day was "cheat day." By the end of the six weeks I had lost 7-8 pounds, was fitting into pants I haven't worn since 2004, and definitely noticed an improvement in energy level. I try very hard to avoid proselytizing diets (or anything, for that matter), and I am still working to integrate this into my everyday, permanent life -- perhaps cycling the diet for six weeks on and two weeks off -- but it has been quite a good thing for me at this time.

Our major vacation this summer was a long road trip to visit old friends and see family, and it was a true highlight of the year. This was actually an awakening to what adventures we are capable of in this (still) new phase of life. While the road trip may have been a crystallizing event, gardening has been the slow-burn, everyday reminder of family togetherness, growth, creativity, and fun. We are fortunate in Florida to have two growing seasons per year, and although the productivity may not have been high, it has been a tonic to prepare the earth and plant with the children, to eat fresh herbs every night with dinner, and to go and inspect the rows every evening.
Looking forward by first looking backward: how did the resolutions for 2011 hold up (the first list was of general goals, the second list was fitness-related goals)?
1) Presence.
--> sometimes2) Develop the less cynical, humbler, and less judgmental self.
--> still needs to come out3) Meet Jess's needs and wants before my own.

--> Yes!!
1) Maintain consistently healthful diet - devise a sustainable way to deal with temptations, convenience, etc.
--> Finally, yes.
- This includes reducing caffeine intake to a reasonable level.
--> A cruel joke.
2) Regular yoga to lead to meditation alone.
2) Regular yoga to lead to meditation alone.
--> Not yet, but working on it.
3) Real periodization of training. (i.e. approach it like real training!)
3) Real periodization of training. (i.e. approach it like real training!)
--> Some success
3) Regular cycling and leg strength training to begin after February marathon, to prevent recurrence of knee injury
--> Happening
4) Regular speed/tempo training (running).
--> For the future.
6) Repeat p90x with Jess!! (Start date: mid-March)
--> Not interested for now.
7) Plan +/- train for ultramarathons to progress to 100 mile run.
--> For the future
8) Less drama about getting up for pre-dawn workouts - just do it.
--> Unsuccessful.
So what about 2012 resolutions? Here is what I had come up with as of New Year's Eve:
1. Bike to work consistently.
2. Less caffeine.
3. Regular time of day for exercise.
4. Focus on injury prevention
5. Tolerate more "chaos" at home -- a combination of being present and controlling anxiety!
6. Continue cycled paleo diet.
7. Make a career decision (i.e. get a job versus further training) and don't look back.
But, just today I saw that a friend had posted Woody Guthrie's 1942 New Years Resolutions, which summarize the heart of the matter far better. So, I leave you with that.
Great post, brother man. I like the concept of actually writing down some goals and then being able to do an end-of-year assessment. You've been a great friend to me this year. Thanks!