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Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Take today -- a fairly stressful and even unpleasant day at work.  Not unpleasant because of anything anybody did or anything that happened, but unpleasant because I didn't get to focus on the things I wanted to.  Thinking back, most of what I did was fairly enjoyable, but as usual my mind requires reality to match expectations to be really satisfied.  There was a certain amount of tension too, much of it absorbed from other people but much of it generated right here in own mind.  And, I knew early on that there was no way I was getting in my planned workout.

So this became a test of resilience, one of the areas I am working hard on - flexibility and the ability to gracefully meet challenges and the unexpected.  I think I reached a nice medium today, killing two birds with one stone by taking 30 minutes for a free-form yoga practice, with some vinyasas, backbends, forward bends, twists, and a few minutes of meditation.  This was the closest I've come to truly shutting out my surroundings and "leaving behind" the past and the future as the instructors always say.  Am I approaching some kind of next level in yoga practice, perhaps?  In any case, the two birds I killed were lack of workout and dealing with a stressful day.  In the past I've only been able to do this by running, so it's nice to expand the arsenal (to stick with the metaphor of killing birds).

Tomorrow it will still be decent running weather although I'm wicked sore from the leg workout yesterday.

Today: yoga practice 30 min

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