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Friday, December 31, 2010

Thoughts while sitting in the sun watching the kids play.

Took a few sublime moments this morning to sit outside in the sun and read a book -To the Edge, by a NY Times reporter who attempted (ran? not quite done with the story) the famous Badwater / Death Valley ultramarathon.  While sipping coffee, reading, watching the kids play, and eventually pretending to be a mean pirate with them, I had a moment of bliss followed by a moment of awareness:   I think I am more at the fringes of society then I like to admit.  Why do I embrace endurance sports, and dream of ridiculous races and runs?  Why was my early adulthood defined primarily by wilderness travel (hiking, rock climbing, etc.) Why do I still picture our family living in a cabin and me building the furniture and tinkering with the solar panels?  This is not to say I dislike the conventional aspects of my life, but I think the realization today is that running (and distance running in particular) feeds a part of myself that needs to be fed.  

Perhaps this is all a way of saying I want to be more like my younger brother, who has always lived exactly the distance from society that he chose.  He has had the courage to eat a very alternative diet for five years (raw/live food), live in a truly "off-the-grid" house for several years, and wait very patiently for  a full time job that allows him to be outside all day.  Hmmm.

As I mentioned yesterday, I'm toying with the idea of running another 50 miler, then perhaps taking it from there to run a 100 miler.  Talking now about family implications during a year that is already going to be busy and challenging.  Again, hmmm.  

Good workout planned tomorrow but I will be superstitious and not jinx it until it's done.

New Year's resolutions / fitness goals for 2011 to follow.

TODAY (Friday, December 31, 2010)
Core, tricep, shoulder workout
10 minute run (warmup)
2 sets: 10 Turkish get-ups DB, Laying tricep extension DB, 40 weighted arm circles
2 sets: 15 straight leg raises (front, L, R), 5x10sec superman, Overhead press DB, 20 Chair dips
2 sets: 8 knee-to-elbows, Tricep kickback DB, 3-way straight arm raise DB

YESTERDAY (Thursday, December 30): REST DAY

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