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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Been a long time / notebook change

Well, my friends, the thoughts haven't stopped coming even thought I haven't written them down for a while.  There has actually been a lot going on over the last few weeks.  I turned 35 ("halfway through," as an acquaintance told me -- I thought she meant life but it turns out she was only talking about the decade).  We traveled with family for Thanksgiving, and came back to a busy week at work.  As is often the case we feel behind on Christmas planning, shopping, and decorating before even having gotten started.  How does one stay sane in these crazy times?


My first training arc for the upcoming marathon is complete, with 12, 14, and 16 milers on subsequent wekeends.  My knee took a bit of a beating, although I attribute that to a single trail run more than anything else.  However, after a week of relative rest I felt pretty good running today.  In fact, I felt great since the weather was 65 and sunny in December!  I will do an 18 miler next weekend, rest a week, then push for several weeks into the 20-22 mile range.

My latest long-ish (16 mile) training run was with my brother in law Joe, on the McQueen Island Trail in Georgia (near Savannah).   This was an excellent run, with perfect weather (high 40's, dry and sunny), nice scenery, and a straight flat course that allowed one to concentrate on the conversation and the running.  The nice part for me was thinking back to a nearly identical run on the same trail exactly 9 years and 3 days prior - Thanksgiving weekend 2001, when we first started going to Savannah on a regular basis.  So much has changed, but so little has as well --  though for one thing I've slowed down quite a bit over nearly a decade!  As I mentioned in the last blog, my two little green notebooks span 12 years of running (and a few other activities).  Today I faced the inevitable and bought two new notebooks as close to the old ones as I could find.  I went through my monthly ritual of drawing columns for date, pulse, weight, activity, distance/time, and notes -- a new chapter, in running, or training, or life.

Making tentative plans with a friend to train for a 50 miler with the goal of bridging to 100 miler  in the next few years.  More later.

Workout Sampler since last post:
Mixed lifting with 15 and 30 pound dumbbells I spotted in my mother-in-law's yard.
14 and 16 mile training run
Stadium work
Short runs.


  1. Hahaha, I'm glad she was talking about the decade as I thought it was bold of her to claim the end of your life at 70. My dad's 68 and I told him on his birthday that since he's so close to 70 he seems old. He corrected me and said that 70 is not old, you're not old until you're 80 ;)

    Never been to Savannah but it's definitely on the list. I'm thinking, from what I've heard, it will be a romantic getaway?

  2. Savannah can be very romantic, definitely.
