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Monday, November 1, 2010

What's next?

It's November.  I can't believe it.  We had an excellent Halloween yesterday, complete with family, friends, pumpkins, trick or treating, and plenty of candy.  It turned out to be a great night and a nice finish to a busy month.  I got in a quick run in the afternoon, which helped to start things off .  It does feel a little strange to be eating toasted pumpkin seeds in shorts, but that's not really too hard to get used to.

Working out has been going well lately, and as I mentioned a few posts ago I think the mix is a good one.  So, I guess that means the time has come to pick a race and train for it before the training momentum diffuses for lack of focus.  I am going to miss the upcoming half marathon here in town (formerly the Micanopy half marathon, now on a nice trail in town that I have spent many a mile on).  I am more and more inclined to run the February marathon here in town, but I would like to find a longer trail run (or relay) in the next few years.  Getting back into triathlon would be fun too but time for cycling and time/money for getting in the pool are challenging right now.  Lots of fun on the horizon, and it's just a matter of choosing.

I read an interesting article in Outside magazine about a "race" in Vermont called the death race.  The race itself is a little outlandish in its design, but on some level I get it and in fact am very attracted to this kind of event.  In the past I've been accused of being a thrill seeker or adventure seeker--I don't know if I agree with this but I do seek and appreciate challenge in the fitness/racing/outdoor arena, anyway. 

Finally, a shout-out to the importance of regular daily bowel movements.  This is so important to feeling good and running well, and I think can be a great indicator for overall physical and emotional health, nutrition, and groundedness.  As a pediatrician I often think that parents are "obsessed" with bowel movements but on some level they have a great point.

Today: Stadiums / Pushups (10 times p bleachers with 10 incline pushups after each stadium)
Yesterday (Sun): Run 45 minutes, moderate effort

Sat: Lifting/Calisthenics:
  2 sets:  5 pullups (standard grip 1st set, chinup grip 2nd set)
              bicep curls
              lying tricep extensions
              50 situps
  2 sets:   5 pullups (standard grip 1st set, chinup grip 2nd set)
              bicep concentration curls
              tricep kickbacks
              30 alternating bicycle crunches
  2 sets:   5 pullups (standard grip 1st set, chinup grip 2nd set)
              crouching bicep curls
              20 chair dips
              static core: 50 sec boat, 25 sec each side straight leg rais, 25 sec each side straight legs to side

Friday: rest

Thursday: stadiums, pullups, and pushups

Wednesday: yoga 1 hour

Tuesday: rest

1 comment:

  1. Yes, there are not enough shout-outs to the importance of regular daily bowel movements! If only everybody appreciated and strived for them, we could probably be on our way to world peace.

    Maybe not quite, but many people would be much happier. Eat more fiber and get your exercise!
