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Sunday, August 1, 2010

whirlwind of activity

In the midst of a wonderful four-day weekend (I took a few extra days off last week to spend time with visiting family) - we have built a swingset, floated down a river, eaten well, and enjoyed time with family and friends.  Trying to keep the workouts going's what's recent:

Thursday: Run 3+ miles, 6 hours building swingset - very hot.
Friday: PT stretches and back exercises, 4 hours building swingset - still hot
Saturday:  Run 4.4 miles (am - hot and soupy); Core workout pm ("ab ripper" from p90x with double reps)
Today: rest day
Tomorrow: morning run, hopefully less humid.

Goal for August - no alcohol (thanks, Gary)


  1. Great goal!

    I would say I will do the same, but knowing that I will be starting back to work this month, I will NOT be making the same goal. Perhaps later in the school year when things always settle.

  2. I too like the goal ... I'll join in, albeit late!
