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Sunday, July 25, 2010

weekend blogger

I seem to be finding, or making, time for writing this blog only on the weekends.  I guess that's all right, as I've settled in to a very traditional work schedule where I work during the week and have family and leisure time on the weekends.

One challenge in particular that this creates is fitting in a workout schedule.  For me it's an old question that comes down to three options or styles:  (Option 1) Set a regular workout time, which would be 5:00 am, and get used to it every day.  I have done this before but it's not very natural for me that early in the morning.  If I got off work earlier and could have 4:00-5:00 or so, that would be great, but that is not possible right now.  (Option 2) Look at my schedule weeks or even months in advance and plan workout times and workouts far in advance.  I've done this too and it has worked fairly well.  (Option 3) Work out when I can, doing what feels right and generally fits in with my overall workout plans.   This becomes my default after a while, and depends very highly on motivation.  When the motivation factor is high, this is my favorite style; when it is low it is deadly.

Right now I"m operating purely in Option 3; I'd like to add back some forethought and perhaps some regular timing there as well.  We'll see.  Although both motivation and discipline have been a bit poor for me lately, they are both picking up.

It's been a good weekend:

Friday: Cross Fit workout in the park.
2 min each (with 1 minute rest in between) of:
shuttle run

Saturday:  Recovery and PT day
yoga 30 minutes
PT stretches and back exercises
1 hour yardwork

Sunday(today): Run 4 1/4 miles, 20 pull ups.


  1. I agree, option 3 can easily become deadly. I need to, personally, go with option 2 and have some sort of goal (read: race) at the end. Right now I have no plan or goals, but making some is on my "to do" list :)

  2. what about option 3 w/ a skeletal option 2? that's pretty much what i do, though I've got no good reason for it. I have between 2-4 must-do workouts per week (falling where they may)and a similar number of micro-workouts: something between 2-10 minutes, as intense or nearly as intense as i possibly can. The rest of the week I do what the damndable southern heat and my ceaseless thirst for beer will allow. It almost works.
