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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Weekend fun

After a *very* low-key week, with all systems go, I have attempted to ease back into both running, resistance training, and the physical therapy that I should have been doing for the last several months.  Still getting used to the heat but at least getting out and about a little more.  I did have a good run yesterday although it took nearly 3 miles to really feel warmed up, then today I did a short workout after some yard work and stretching.  I was really feeling out of it knowing that friends are doing crossfit obstacle course races that sound really fun while I am struggling to eke out a few pullups or miles without re-injury.  But, I know I've had my moments and will again.  My other plan is to start again with yoga - for a while I was practicing at least every other day (if not more often) and feeling the benefits; now I haven't done a real session in a month or so.  I think in the long term this may be more valuable for injury prevention (and overall health/enjoyment) than anything.

On a different note, I had a great weekend - meeting some new people, reconnecting with old friends, enjoying a summer barbecue, and enjoying family time.  I am a lucky man.

Yesterday: ran 4 miles
   PT stretches / exercises for back
   then, 4 sets of:
        -5 pull ups (alternate standard and chinup each set)
        -10 push ups (set 1-std, 2-wide, 3-military, 4-std)
        -25 situps
        -10 alternating straight-leg crunches

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you realize how good you've got it!
