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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Not so soggy anymore

I'm pleased to report that I am acclimatizing to the Florida weather.  It was a cool 69 degrees this morning, and I felt good during my early morning pitch-black to sunrise run.  I was remembering how the first time I tried to run in the dark it freaked me out so much that I cut short a run and made my way home under the brightest street lights I could find, and now, years later, I am very used to it.  I now use a trusty headlamp with a red filter so I can both see in the dark and have somewhere else to look when cars with bright headlights go by.  Very tactical.

Anyways it was a nice morning run and set the stage for a good day.

Some core work in the morning, perhaps with some bicep, tricep, and shoulder exercises thrown in?

Also to start cycling to work on a more or less everyday basis tomorrow.

TODAY: run 4 miles


  1. It's a sad day in Savannah when it's cooler in Gainesville than here. Hope you enjoy the early morning runs - what an excellent time to contemplate your place and meaning in the universe. (I get very philosophical in the early morning if noone is around)

  2. I can't believe it was only 69* on a July day in Florida! I bet the humidity was still off the charts, though...

    I agree about running in the dark. It was freaky at first and now I have grown to love it. There's something to be said for the privacy and solitude of the dark. I don't care or think about what I look like, I just run.
