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Monday, July 5, 2010

new experience

It's been quite a week and weekend!

We finished unpacking our house and are getting more and more settled in here.  We used the long three-day weekend to do this, as well as to spend some good family time together.  We spent this afternoon with good friends hanging out in the pool and enjoying dinner.  Not too bad for the 4th of July weekend.

I ended a week of self-imposed running exile, entered into mostly for the sake of my knee, yesterday.  Still amazed by the humidity (and I even grew up here!) but had a nice return to running.  I am also excited because in addition to unpacking I organized our garage and hung the pull up bar, so I plan on doing a few pull ups tonight to celebrate.

Also started a new job last week, and I can tell you it is a shock to the system to go from knowing a place and basically knowing my business, to knowing almost nothing!  When I arrived at my first day I didn't even know how to turn on the machine I will be using, let alone produce or interepret useful data.  What a humbling and absolutely shocking experience, though, to feel so totally clueless.  Thankfully I work with an amazing group of people and everyone has been incredibly helpful so far.  More to come.

Yesterday: run 4.25 miles
Today: 5 sets of: (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 20 situps).  the pull up sets alternated standard and chinup grip


  1. You have a pool in the new place? I see a pool party in the future!

    Hope everything is still going well and people are still being so helpful with the new job. I guess it's good to be humbled every once in awhile.

  2. kiddie pool only. not enough for a party.
