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Friday, February 26, 2010

Spring is here?

As usual for this odd winter, we are getting far less snow in northern Vermont than places like Baltimore.  Though we were expecting a big winter storm, we instead had temperatures in the mid 40s, with some more sunshine!  This was my first run in shorts since the fall -- always a big milestone.  The fact that it was sleeting doesn't dampen my excitement (though it did dampen my clothes) one bit.  After PT I was planning to do a quick 4 miles, so I asked my physical therapist where one could run without running into too much traffic.  One of the other folks there drew me a map of a 5.8 mile run, which turned into 6+ miles and tired me out.  I am at that sweet spot in a training cycle where I have been pushing hard but am still feeling good (If I were smart I would recognize this as the "pre-injury" state and back the hell off).  I did take it easy during most of the run today, enjoying the sunshine poking through the sleet.  I did not see a sleetbow.  Now tired and ready for bed.

Yesterday: PT exercises, yoga 20 min
Today: Run 6.6 miles in 1:01 easy (~9:15 pace)

1 comment:

  1. I just told my Dad yesterday when he proclaimed spring (in Minnesota) to remember when March comes in like a lamb, it will go out like a lion.
