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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

mesmerized for an hour

Part of the deal with my physical therapy is that I can use all of the exercise equipment at the gym where I go (the "rehab gym," it's called).  They have a pretty cool exercise bike that has a video screen with multiple courses you can choose from - it steers and simulates gears on your bike so you can try to go up and down hills maintaining your power.  There is a pacer (whose pace you control) so if you set it slightly faster than your own it gives you someone to chase.  I spent an hour on this thing, watching fairly primitive scenes of trees, coastline, and hills while chasing my pacer and occasionally yelling at him when I couldn't keep up (actually, he rides at a constant power output so it's easy to fall behind if you don't find the right gear quickly on a hill).  Certainly more fun than the usual slog on treadmill or indoor bike, and certainly easier than trying to read a magazine while sweating and keeping a cadence.  But it was fun and I feel good, having been resting for several days.  I've been authorized to start up with gentle yoga and try running again (well that was really me authorizing myself) so I hope the worst of this neck business is over.  Skiing this weekend might be a small setback but it will be worth it.

After PT and the gym I picked the girls up early and went home to spend some quality time.  Jess left for soccer so I fed the baby and watched him smile at me.  It's turned into a really good day, one that I'm glad for.  You can see the incredible quiche that Jess made from scratch for dinner.

Today: indoor bike 1 hour
Yesterday: rest (and restlessness)

1 comment:

  1. I've always thought there needs to be scenic video screens on stationary bikes...otherwise - borrrring.

    Glad it turned into a good day!
