As usual for this odd winter, we are getting far less snow in northern Vermont than places like Baltimore. Though we were expecting a big winter storm, we instead had temperatures in the mid 40s, with some more sunshine! This was my first run in shorts since the fall -- always a big milestone. The fact that it was sleeting doesn't dampen my excitement (though it did dampen my clothes) one bit. After PT I was planning to do a quick 4 miles, so I asked my physical therapist where one could run without running into too much traffic. One of the other folks there drew me a map of a 5.8 mile run, which turned into 6+ miles and tired me out. I am at that sweet spot in a training cycle where I have been pushing hard but am still feeling good (If I were smart I would recognize this as the "pre-injury" state and back the hell off). I did take it easy during most of the run today, enjoying the sunshine poking through the sleet. I did not see a sleetbow. Now tired and ready for bed.
Yesterday: PT exercises, yoga 20 min
Today: Run 6.6 miles in 1:01 easy (~9:15 pace)
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Wow, I am giving myself a big pat on the back for running a couple of days ago. It's dumping snow with no sign of letting up, so I think I hit the sweet spot for the week.
As for today, I had a nice session in PT and am about the get on the indoor bike. Maybe will do some yoga before bed.
Yesterday: Core workout, pushups / pull-downs, yoga
Today: PT with back/neck exercises, indoor bike 1 hr
As for today, I had a nice session in PT and am about the get on the indoor bike. Maybe will do some yoga before bed.
Yesterday: Core workout, pushups / pull-downs, yoga
Today: PT with back/neck exercises, indoor bike 1 hr
Monday, February 22, 2010
Orange overload and blue skies.
Ok, first of all, if your entire "hydration system" consists of a liter of orange gatorade, then an orange-vanilla flavored energy gel is not really the best choice. This is like drinking Tang for an hour and then squirting a melted Creamsicle into your mouth while breathing hard.
Other than that fairly minor miscalculation, my run today was outstanding. Rather than the cloudy skies and snow on the same old roads I'm used to, I waited until today (forecast: partly sunny and 35; actual weather: clear blue skies and 35) to run, and went along the Burlington waterfront. It was absolutely clear, with a full view of the Adirondack mountains across Lake Champlain. The path was dry and almost free of snow. Despite cycling yesterday my legs were feeling fairly good, and I was able to build up to a decent 8:30-8:45 pace for most of the run. Even after the creamsicle mishap I rallied and kept a good stride for the run back, ignoring the shifting aches and pains that are typical of the second half of a longer run.
Sometimes it amazes me how even a short "long run" can surprise with its difficulty and intensity. I wonder if experience is a disadvantage, as I certainly don't psych myself up the way I used to for these 14, 16, or 18 mile runs. Thinking back, though, even when I prepared and visualized the night before, these runs were still hard. The flip side is that the mental struggle has shifted from the nagging question of "Can I finish?" to the nagging question of "Why bother?" or "Let's just do this another time." Either way, forward progress is a good enough answer. Today I was excited because I haven't run in this kind of weather for months. The first half was smooth like butter and the miles literally flew by, but when I hit the turnaround point I really had to push to get myself back on pace for the second half. No, I don't blame the creamsicle. Once I did get back on pace I felt good and the uphill last mile, though pure torture, was less painful than expected.

All in all, a good day and a good run.
Today: 16 miles in 2:21:41 (8:51 pace average)
Other than that fairly minor miscalculation, my run today was outstanding. Rather than the cloudy skies and snow on the same old roads I'm used to, I waited until today (forecast: partly sunny and 35; actual weather: clear blue skies and 35) to run, and went along the Burlington waterfront. It was absolutely clear, with a full view of the Adirondack mountains across Lake Champlain. The path was dry and almost free of snow. Despite cycling yesterday my legs were feeling fairly good, and I was able to build up to a decent 8:30-8:45 pace for most of the run. Even after the creamsicle mishap I rallied and kept a good stride for the run back, ignoring the shifting aches and pains that are typical of the second half of a longer run.
Sometimes it amazes me how even a short "long run" can surprise with its difficulty and intensity. I wonder if experience is a disadvantage, as I certainly don't psych myself up the way I used to for these 14, 16, or 18 mile runs. Thinking back, though, even when I prepared and visualized the night before, these runs were still hard. The flip side is that the mental struggle has shifted from the nagging question of "Can I finish?" to the nagging question of "Why bother?" or "Let's just do this another time." Either way, forward progress is a good enough answer. Today I was excited because I haven't run in this kind of weather for months. The first half was smooth like butter and the miles literally flew by, but when I hit the turnaround point I really had to push to get myself back on pace for the second half. No, I don't blame the creamsicle. Once I did get back on pace I felt good and the uphill last mile, though pure torture, was less painful than expected.

All in all, a good day and a good run.
Today: 16 miles in 2:21:41 (8:51 pace average)
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Weekend is over
A great weekend with family. I postponed my long run because of the snow (which promptly stopped), but enjoyed the day and will hopefully catch some sunny, above-freezing weather when I do go.
First foray back into resistance training since the neck sprain
Yesterday: yoga 30 min
Today: indoor bike 1 hour @ ~125 Watts; pushups & pullups with band
First foray back into resistance training since the neck sprain
Yesterday: yoga 30 min
Today: indoor bike 1 hour @ ~125 Watts; pushups & pullups with band
Friday, February 19, 2010
Great run in the snow
One familiar theme is me planning to get up at 5 am to run and then choosing not to do it. Usually I rationalize this somehow (too tired, too cold, will run later, etc.), and this morning was no exception. But in a stunning reversal, I don't regret it now. I brought running clothes to work and took a lunchtime run outside. It had snowed a few inches overnight and was still snowing lightly. I ran down a hill where my work is to a place called the Intervale, a farming valley in the northern part of Burlington. There is a dirt road that runs through the intervale, past various farms, community gardens, and a huge commercial compost facility. Sometimes in the summer it is hot and dusty, but it's always more pastoral than running through town. Today it was really beautiful - although the roads in town were cleared of snow, the road through the Intervale was not. Aside from a few cars, I saw only a family walking their dogs. Oddly, the best moment was when I ran past the compost field and heard a very loud cacaphony of birds (crows?). I've been so dependent on the treadmill for daytime runs lately that I've almost forgotten how good it feels to just duck outside for a little while, run, and come back feeling refreshed. I started my running career with afternoon runs, and decades from now that's what I'll be doing, running in the late afternoon before dinner.
I'm also excited about a rare date with Jess tonight. We've got a babysitter who knows the kids well, and we'll go out to dinner and see a concert.
Today: ran 4 miles easy and free
I'm also excited about a rare date with Jess tonight. We've got a babysitter who knows the kids well, and we'll go out to dinner and see a concert.
Today: ran 4 miles easy and free
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Just a run
Quick post today as we have visitors. After a long rest day yesterday I managed to get in a treadmill run at work today. Thank god! As they say, usually regretted if you don't, never regretted if you do...
Rather than a muscle strain in my neck, I irritated a C3-4 facet joint. Accurate diagnosis will help with PT but I'd rather have a muscle strain. More on this exciting story as it develops.
Yesterday: rest
Today: 4 mile pace run (8:00 - 8:45), yoga 30 min
Rather than a muscle strain in my neck, I irritated a C3-4 facet joint. Accurate diagnosis will help with PT but I'd rather have a muscle strain. More on this exciting story as it develops.
Yesterday: rest
Today: 4 mile pace run (8:00 - 8:45), yoga 30 min
Monday, February 15, 2010
The skiing was cold...
...but the tequila was warm.
I had a great day skiing with two good friends, despite windy and icy conditions at Sugarbush. When they put up a sign warning of "thin cover," I would be well-advised in the future to heed it. I skied two of the gnarliest runs ever, not because of the fairly moderate moguls but because of the combination of rocks, foliage, and ice poking up through the snow at every turn. I suppose this is a "best of eastern skiing" moment. It was a fun day, and an even funner night as we went out on the town in downtown Montpelier. We ended up sampling tequilas but were no the worse for wear this morning.
Today had a great day, a combination of President's Day and a belated Valentine's celebration with Jess. We watched "District 9," one of the most original science fiction movies I've seen in a while. I had a good run at 2:30 or so, in the sunshine and with above-freezing temperatures, again with an incredible view of the mountains. I went to pick the girls up, and when I got home caught the aroma of Jess's gourmet meal of the day -- chicken braised in a shallot and apricot red wine reduction, and pesto couscous. Wow!
Yesterday - Downhill skiing (sorry no tele)
Today - Run 5.5 miles easy
I had a great day skiing with two good friends, despite windy and icy conditions at Sugarbush. When they put up a sign warning of "thin cover," I would be well-advised in the future to heed it. I skied two of the gnarliest runs ever, not because of the fairly moderate moguls but because of the combination of rocks, foliage, and ice poking up through the snow at every turn. I suppose this is a "best of eastern skiing" moment. It was a fun day, and an even funner night as we went out on the town in downtown Montpelier. We ended up sampling tequilas but were no the worse for wear this morning.
Today had a great day, a combination of President's Day and a belated Valentine's celebration with Jess. We watched "District 9," one of the most original science fiction movies I've seen in a while. I had a good run at 2:30 or so, in the sunshine and with above-freezing temperatures, again with an incredible view of the mountains. I went to pick the girls up, and when I got home caught the aroma of Jess's gourmet meal of the day -- chicken braised in a shallot and apricot red wine reduction, and pesto couscous. Wow!
Yesterday - Downhill skiing (sorry no tele)
Today - Run 5.5 miles easy
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Yoga for three
My planned ski weekend got postponed by a day, so I took advantage of the warmer weather to run. One of my favorite short routes starts off crossing a bridge over a highway, from which I can see both the Adirondacks in New York and the Green Mountains in Vermont. Even in the worst of conditions this is a pleasant view, and today it was sublime. The sky wasn't clear but the cloud ceiling was high, the weather was almost freezing, the sidewalks were basically clear of snow, and I felt loose and strong starting out. So it was a nice short run followed by some yoga. Only this wasn't normal yoga, where you are in either a class or a quiet setting, this was "family style" yoga, where a 2 year old and a 4 year old are giggling and running between your legs while you try and hold difficult poses. I guess if the point is to learn how to focus and "let go" of the outside world while doing yoga, this must be great training. Here's a link to a video of the girls doing yoga, just to give an idea.
Today: Run 4 miles, Yoga 45 minutes
Today: Run 4 miles, Yoga 45 minutes
Friday, February 12, 2010
Treadmill thoughts
I'm back, baby! I ran today, and it felt great. I briefly considered getting up this morning to run before work, but a temperature of 8 degrees turned me off to the idea, so I rolled over and ran...on the treadmill, in the middle of a beautiful clear day, looking outside the window at the gym. The treadmill does have some advantages, namely its ability to keep me on pace and provide excellent speed and hill interval workouts, not to mention that it isn't affected by weather, snow, and darkness. But even when I am able to motivate myself and act like a hamster while watching miles and minutes tick by (a trainable skill - the first winter I lived in Vermont I did a lot of treadmill running including some long runs), there is something surreal about running...nowhere. What is the point? One could ask that question about any run that ends where it starts, but we know better. I guess today the point, treadmill or not, is that this was a good run. Would I continue to run if I could only do it on a treadmill? I'm not sure.
A little Olympics (Vancouver) to get me in the mood, a little skiing myself this weekend, and I'll pick up my running where I left off next week. Not so for lifting, but that will be a different story (told another time).
Yesterday: Yoga 30min
Today: Run 4m at pace (~8:30) treadmill
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
mesmerized for an hour
Part of the deal with my physical therapy is that I can use all of the exercise equipment at the gym where I go (the "rehab gym," it's called). They have a pretty cool exercise bike that has a video screen with multiple courses you can choose from - it steers and simulates gears on your bike so you can try to go up and down hills maintaining your power. There is a pacer (whose pace you control) so if you set it slightly faster than your own it gives you someone to chase. I spent an hour on this thing, watching fairly primitive scenes of trees, coastline, and hills while chasing my pacer and occasionally yelling at him when I couldn't keep up (actually, he rides at a constant power output so it's easy to fall behind if you don't find the right gear quickly on a hill). Certainly more fun than the usual slog on treadmill or indoor bike, and certainly easier than trying to read a magazine while sweating and keeping a cadence. But it was fun and I feel good, having been resting for several days. I've been authorized to start up with gentle yoga and try running again (well that was really me authorizing myself) so I hope the worst of this neck business is over. Skiing this weekend might be a small setback but it will be worth it.
After PT and the gym I picked the girls up early and went home to spend some quality time. Jess left for soccer so I fed the baby and watched him smile at me. It's turned into a really good day, one that I'm glad for. You can see the incredible quiche that Jess made from scratch for dinner.
Today: indoor bike 1 hour
Yesterday: rest (and restlessness)
Monday, February 8, 2010
Silver lining
I've been thinking about where this whole injury thing fits in to the big picture. Aside from the obvious, which is to be thankful for what I have and the many blessings of family, friends, health, and the opportunity to have some amazing experiences, how do I turn this admittedly minor setback into a positive? Well, after getting burned out on running, working on different areas of fitness, and getting back into running through more balanced training and a focus on the upcoming marathon, my inability to do any hard training is making me absolutely crazy to run. When I get back to it I will be so glad that I think "joy de running" will overshadow the cold, the dark, all of the things that may have been affecting my attitude lately. So for now, some (light) cross training and looking forward to getting back on my feet.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
back in action (or at least physical therapy)
A few days off because of my neck, a good PT session yesterday, and I'm more or less back in action. Today I worked in the morning, had a nice hour on the indoor bike, and then an almost magical afternoon with the kids while Jess was out playing soccer. Looking forward now to a hot meal and some time to relax this evening. It's snowing lightly here and it's cozy inside.
I have to say it's always interesting making a major detour from one's training goals -- for me the change is from working hard on building speed and strength to working hard on regaining the ability to turn my neck while still staying in reasonable shape! Just another exercise in going with the flow, although I have to admit a frustrating one (as you can tell I'm not quite there in the going with the flow thing). It will probably only be a few more days before I can't stand not running and I hope my neck is healed enough to resist the jarring and not be set back too far. Well, I suppose I'm in store for more cycling and isolated lower body work for a while -- not the worst thing! Still looking forward to a PR in May and who knows beyond that.
Last two days: rest/physical therapy
Today: Indoor bike one hour
I have to say it's always interesting making a major detour from one's training goals -- for me the change is from working hard on building speed and strength to working hard on regaining the ability to turn my neck while still staying in reasonable shape! Just another exercise in going with the flow, although I have to admit a frustrating one (as you can tell I'm not quite there in the going with the flow thing). It will probably only be a few more days before I can't stand not running and I hope my neck is healed enough to resist the jarring and not be set back too far. Well, I suppose I'm in store for more cycling and isolated lower body work for a while -- not the worst thing! Still looking forward to a PR in May and who knows beyond that.
Last two days: rest/physical therapy
Today: Indoor bike one hour
Friday, February 5, 2010
Pain in the neck.
I mentioned in an earlier post that I strained my neck doing pullups last week. Well, it hasn't exactly been getting better. Of course, I haven't exactly been "taking it easy," as I should have, either. Turns out that even a fairly easy run jars the neck in ways that can really hurt. Who could have known? So I'm finally getting serious with physical therapy, heat pads, as much rest as I can manage, and muscle relaxants for sleep. My only fear is that I won't be physically able to restrain myself from working out and will make things worse again. I guess this means I need to use reverse discipline to prevent myself from working out.
Otherwise, I had a nice run yesterday in the snow and may try to do some yoga later today, but will try to enjoy this beautiful clear day and a nice evening at home regardless.
Yesterday: 4 mile run
Today: ??
I mentioned in an earlier post that I strained my neck doing pullups last week. Well, it hasn't exactly been getting better. Of course, I haven't exactly been "taking it easy," as I should have, either. Turns out that even a fairly easy run jars the neck in ways that can really hurt. Who could have known? So I'm finally getting serious with physical therapy, heat pads, as much rest as I can manage, and muscle relaxants for sleep. My only fear is that I won't be physically able to restrain myself from working out and will make things worse again. I guess this means I need to use reverse discipline to prevent myself from working out.
Otherwise, I had a nice run yesterday in the snow and may try to do some yoga later today, but will try to enjoy this beautiful clear day and a nice evening at home regardless.
Yesterday: 4 mile run
Today: ??
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Not a bad life!
A short post today, I think. I'm enjoying the evening at home, having tucked the girls in and gotten a couple of great smiles from the baby. Jess, as usual, is a loving and wonderful person to come home to, not to mention the fact that she is making brownies right now. So, things are pretty darn good, on the whole.
I'm enjoying the "recovery" focus this week as well. A nice rest day yesterday (but I felt good, barely sore -- I credit recovery drink right after the run and some yoga for stretching and loosening at night). Today a nice fairly easy, but not sloppy, pace run on the treadmill. Neck still strained from pullups last week so I am postponing core work for now (not doing anything "stupid" as Jess says).
Yesterday: rest day
Today: 4mile pace run ~8:30-8:45
I'm enjoying the "recovery" focus this week as well. A nice rest day yesterday (but I felt good, barely sore -- I credit recovery drink right after the run and some yoga for stretching and loosening at night). Today a nice fairly easy, but not sloppy, pace run on the treadmill. Neck still strained from pullups last week so I am postponing core work for now (not doing anything "stupid" as Jess says).
Yesterday: rest day
Today: 4mile pace run ~8:30-8:45
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