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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Curse broken?

For a while (a long while!) I have had difficulty rousting myself out of bed to work out before work.  Yet, every time I do anything active before work I have a much better day.  Except when I am extremely sleep deprived, a brief morning workout seems to more than make up for the lost hour of sleep.  (Going to bed very early doesn't seem to work for our family at this point.)

But this morning, I broke the curse, got out of bed despite a fairly fitful night's sleep, got on the indoor bike, and had a great day!  Coincidence?  You decide.   My personal best time to work out is about 4 in the afternoon, but it sure is nice to have the morning option available...

Today (Wednesday) - indoor bike 45 minutes @ 105 W
Tuesday - rest
Monday, - calisthenics and dumbbell training
5 sets:   5 x (2 pullups and 5 pushups), + 15 incline situps (alternate center, left, right)
2 sets:   bicep curl DB, tri overhead extension DB, shoulder fly DB
2 sets:   hammer curl DB, tri kickback DB, overhead press DB
total pullups 50, total pushups 125, total incline situps 75

Unfortunately running is taking a back seat in the final weeks of marathon training, but I am staying fit and having fun with some good long runs under my belt.  I will get another burst of running in next week and then "taper," although that term implies backing off from intense training.  I suppose backing off from mellow training is the next best.  We can't all be like Anton.  (thanks, YB for the pointer).

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Maybe you will inspire me for a pre-work run this week? With temps a bit warmer I may just do it...maybe.
