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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Pushing through.

As usual, when I ramp up my training mileage (however slightly, as any bean counters will notice), I feel it.  I am making a conscious choice to push through this for another week and a half or so, through a mid-distance run this weekend and a long-ish run over Thanksgiving weekend.  After that I will take a few weeks to recuperate and then have another hard training cycle.  Having said that, I feel great!  I had a very good run on Tuesday, another run and calisthenic session yesterdayt that left me felt like someone had punched me in the arm 100 times, and today some outstanding yoga in the backyard while the kids played outside.  There's something great about triangle or right angle when you look up and see trees and blue sky, rather than a ceiling.

My run on Tuesday was a loop I used to do when I first got into running.  I had planned to write about the memories that flooded back, but it ended up being a run like any other.

On a truly sad note, I am on the last page of my current running/training log.  This is the second in a series of two notebooks I have kept since 1998 (more than one third of my life).  The sad part is that they don't make this notebook anymore, and I don't quite know how I'm going to handle the change.  Has this happened to anyone else?

Monday: rest
Tues: run 4.5 miles
Wed: run 3 miles, 30 pull ups, 100 push ups, 20 knees to elbows
Today: yoga 35 minutes

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week, weekend, and zone.

After an excellent mid-distance run last weekend, I started this week with a crisp Monday morning run, and things were uphill from there (in a good way).  Having committed to the marathon in February, and written out a shorter and more focused training schedule than I'm used to, I am feeling great! Four good, solid runs this weekend, with an 8 miler this morning that had traces of my faster pacing from 5 years ago (thanks, David, for pushing me).  I think and hope that now will be the time that I say goodbye to the negativity that has plagued my running for about 2 years off and on.  Of course it doesn't hurt that the weather is perfect (mid-40s in the morning) and will continue that way through the winter.  One final thought:although my buildup and training period is shorter, I think it will help me avoid peaking too early in terms of motivation--a problem in the past with 6 month or training periods.

My running partner this morning told a story about finishing a run and not remembering the last few miles of it.  We settled on the idea that he was in "the zone" (vs. oxygen-deprived), and I was recollecting the few runs where I was that deeply in the zone.  A few specific long runs come to mind, as do a few trail runs where the footing was so tricky I had no room to think in the conscious.  A few of these runs are on my list of memorable runs, but a most aren't.  Thinking more about it, there is some element of the "zone" in most runs I take, and often I will go in and out of the zone (or "flow") state of consciousness multiple times during the run.  I can think of many long runs like this, where a few effortless miles alternate with a few miles of focus, concentration, and the internal discussion of whether to stop and walk for just a bit.  Those of little faith will point to endorphins or hyponatremia or some other physiologic explanation for alterted level of consciousness, but I hold to the idea that I am touching an altered state (not level) of consciousness.  In part, that's what keeps getting me out the door.

With Veteran's Day on a Thursday, I took Friday off as well and enjoyed a great four-day weekend with the family.  Picnics, dinner with my parents, a movie with Jess, good sleep, and some long overdue yardwork were what we enjoyed.  Not too often that this opportunity comes along, so I am glad I took advantage.  Some sublime moments here as well (running is not the only path to the zone!)

Mon: Run 4 miles
Tues: Lift (Bicep, Tricep, Pullup, Pushup, Ab) - this one made me whimper with pain!
Wed: Run 4 miles
Thurs: Yoga
Friday: Bike 20 miles, Lift (Shoulders, Pullups, Ab)
Saturday: Run 4 miles
Sunday: Run 8 miles

Sunday, November 7, 2010

reflection and mileage

A quick note today:

Had a nice 12 mile run on Saturday, followed by a crisp, sunny weekend at a lakeside camp with a great group of men (including my father).  I returned home today to my family and had a nice walk with the girls while Jess played soccer.

Life is good.

And, I'm feeling good about the marathon in February.  Training plan is written down and underway.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


This turned out to be a fun workout that came together in my head as I was running.  It required no equipment except shoes and a pull-up bar, which I used in the local park.  I was sluggish during the middle section, but finished strong.  Also didn't help that the pullup bars were over sand, so every time I rose from burpee to pullup I got a shower of sand in my face, hair, and eyes.  A good time.

I think I am going to run the Gainesville marathon Feb 20, so with 3+ months to train I'd better get started!  Just decided on the way to work this am.  Will post training schedule soon.

Ran 2.5 miles
4 sets of:  
    5 burpee to pullups
    5 knee to elbows
    10 wide push-ups
    10 shoulder press push-ups
    20 wide arms circles (10 forward 10 backward)
Ran 2 miles more

Monday, November 1, 2010

What's next?

It's November.  I can't believe it.  We had an excellent Halloween yesterday, complete with family, friends, pumpkins, trick or treating, and plenty of candy.  It turned out to be a great night and a nice finish to a busy month.  I got in a quick run in the afternoon, which helped to start things off .  It does feel a little strange to be eating toasted pumpkin seeds in shorts, but that's not really too hard to get used to.

Working out has been going well lately, and as I mentioned a few posts ago I think the mix is a good one.  So, I guess that means the time has come to pick a race and train for it before the training momentum diffuses for lack of focus.  I am going to miss the upcoming half marathon here in town (formerly the Micanopy half marathon, now on a nice trail in town that I have spent many a mile on).  I am more and more inclined to run the February marathon here in town, but I would like to find a longer trail run (or relay) in the next few years.  Getting back into triathlon would be fun too but time for cycling and time/money for getting in the pool are challenging right now.  Lots of fun on the horizon, and it's just a matter of choosing.

I read an interesting article in Outside magazine about a "race" in Vermont called the death race.  The race itself is a little outlandish in its design, but on some level I get it and in fact am very attracted to this kind of event.  In the past I've been accused of being a thrill seeker or adventure seeker--I don't know if I agree with this but I do seek and appreciate challenge in the fitness/racing/outdoor arena, anyway. 

Finally, a shout-out to the importance of regular daily bowel movements.  This is so important to feeling good and running well, and I think can be a great indicator for overall physical and emotional health, nutrition, and groundedness.  As a pediatrician I often think that parents are "obsessed" with bowel movements but on some level they have a great point.

Today: Stadiums / Pushups (10 times p bleachers with 10 incline pushups after each stadium)
Yesterday (Sun): Run 45 minutes, moderate effort

Sat: Lifting/Calisthenics:
  2 sets:  5 pullups (standard grip 1st set, chinup grip 2nd set)
              bicep curls
              lying tricep extensions
              50 situps
  2 sets:   5 pullups (standard grip 1st set, chinup grip 2nd set)
              bicep concentration curls
              tricep kickbacks
              30 alternating bicycle crunches
  2 sets:   5 pullups (standard grip 1st set, chinup grip 2nd set)
              crouching bicep curls
              20 chair dips
              static core: 50 sec boat, 25 sec each side straight leg rais, 25 sec each side straight legs to side

Friday: rest

Thursday: stadiums, pullups, and pushups

Wednesday: yoga 1 hour

Tuesday: rest