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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mellow week

This was a pretty mellow training week.  Partly this is a continued and ill-advised effort at athletic schizophrenia (training and rehabbing at the same time), but partly the training is just mellowing out as the race approaches.  Race date Feb 19th.

Today (Sunday): Four mile run, easy pace
Saturday: rest day, although I played a little Wii Fit
Friday: Four mile tempo run (1 warmup, 3 at tempo) - this was a good run
Thursday: rest
Wednesday: yoga
Tuesday: rest
Monday: Four mile run, recovery pace

We had a great visit this weekend with some friends in Tampa (a friend from high school and her husband whom she met in college, so I've known them for about 20 years!) who now have three children and are quite happy and nicely settled in.  We enjoyed their company as well as a pirate-themed festival called Gasparilla.  There is nothing like visiting old friends, sharing food and wine, and watching our kids play together to really make one appreciate life in its simplicity, good fortune, and happiness.  This is far more important than any race or run.


  1. Ever read this guys blog?

    He makes me feel like shit almost weekly! Cheers!

  2. Wow -- I'm glad he kept it below 150 miles before the race... wouldn't want to overdo it. That is one serious runner. Better to be inspired. Seriously though it is interesting reading about how even a guy like that has challenges and goals that keep him going, just on a different scale than ours.

  3. Yeah, I really like his blog. I don't relate to his goals at all, but, like you said, the similarities make for interesting brain food.

  4. I thought race date was the 20th! You can't peak on the wrong day! Recalculate, recalculate!

  5. You're right, it's the 20th! Peak performance date unchanged.
