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Friday, May 28, 2010

Taper Week

This has been a good taper week, especially given our Vermont-style heat wave.  I am looking forward to the marathon on Sunday and I think despite serious undertraining I will try to run it for time.  All I know is that I'm taking a $20 so I can enjoy a lemonade and sausage sandwich at the finish line.  And, folks, there's only one way to get to the finish line quickly (no, I'm not talking about sneaking on the subway!).  Haul ass, and when you get tired, put one foot in front of the other, and then haul ass some more.

As usual before these big events I have been doing a lot of thinking about the significance of running in my life, and how and when different "lives" come together - work, family,  running, etc.  There will be a nice coming together of these different lives just before the race as Jess and I drop our kids off at our boss's house, and then walk over together to the race start.

Eyes on the weather are not totally reassuring but not terrible either: small chance of rain, 60 in the morning, maybe low 80s for a high.  So, all but the end will be decent weather, and once I'm in it that far a little heat never seems to matter.

Cheers and stay tuned for the race report.

Tuesday - rest / 115 situps
Wednesday - run 4.0 miles / 120 situps
Thursday - PT stretches, yoga 20 minutes, / 125 situps
Today - Run 2.5 miles / 130 situps
Tomorrow - rest (situps?)
Sunday - marathon (situps?)

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