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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

100-day clean living challenge - day one

A blog about running and fitness is interesting, at least to some.  A blog about injury and rehab is boring, at least to me.  I've run very little since my last post, with continued knee pain when I do run.  Without ignoring or minimizing how disappointing this is to me, I am going to use this space to focus on the positive aspects:  what will I do?  not: what can't I do?

So, in honor of several friends and acquaintances have made personal challenges or commitments recently, I start today with the "100-day clean living challenge."  This is a combination of a clean-eating and daily yoga challenge, combined with an effort to be more present and spend some meditative time thinking about my path in life.

Ground rules:
1) Daily yoga practice
2) Healthy eating
      a) Eliminate / minimize processed flour
      b) Eliminate / minimize processed sugar (desserts!)
      c) Meals primarily focusing on lean protein and vegetables
      d) Eliminate / minimze processed snacks and foods
      e) Minimze alcohol consumption
3) Treat others with compassion and respect

I hope common sense can come into play as well, allowing some deviation from the nutrition "rules" without ruining the intent.  As the challenge progresses I may also experiment with fasting as well, but we'll have to see.

I'll report on progress here.   If anyone is interested in joining in, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Haha...yes, June is a great time for resolutions.
